Remastered Games: My Thoughts

Remastered Games: My Thoughts

At E3 this year, there were quite a few remastered editions of games announced. And for some reason, this is met with negativity. Here are my thoughts on remastered games: if you want them, buy them, if not, just ignore them.

Full disclosure, I have a PS4. That’s the only gaming console I use, and while I have played some games on my laptop before, I don’t anymore, mainly because I can’t play without a controller, and I don’t see the point in buying one for my laptop when I can just use my PS4. I know that PCs are the probably the best way to experience gaming, but I don’t feel that way. First of all, I can’t have a desktop because it’s not practical for me. So I use a laptop, and there is no way in hell I can afford a gaming laptop. Also, it’s not very smart, because you can’t replace the graphics card on it, and there’s much less customization on a laptop than a PC, yet a laptop costs way more. So for all of you who rush to say that there is no need for remastered games because you can just play them on your PC, that’s not true for everyone. Also, The Last of Us is a PlayStation exclusive, so no one’s gonna be playing that on their PC.

Many people are annoyed by remastered games because they see it as an easy way for companies to make money. This is true, but they will never make as much money as they would releasing a new game, and also, since current gen consoles don’t have backwards compatibility, this is the next best option. I would honestly rather spend money and be able to play games on my PS4, than not play them at all. I would also much rather spend 60 dollars on an entire game, or three full games in the case of BioShock than spend 60 dollars on a Destiny DLC that is usually a huge disappointment, and has no value for money. Bethesda also said not to expect an Elder Scrolls game anytime soon, so I appreciate the fact that they are releasing Skyrim for the current gen consoles, to keep us occupied.

I don’t have a PS3 anymore, and it actually stopped working while I was in the middle of The Last of Us and Dishonored. I still haven’t got around to playing Dishonored, but I finally got to play The Last of Us, which I wouldn’t have been able to if the game wasn’t remastered, especially since it is a PlayStation exclusive. I will say though, The Last of Us did get less hate about the remaster because it came out at a very awkward time, a few months before the PS4 was released, so there were lots of people who hadn’t had the opportunity to play it on their PS3 yet. Missing out on experiencing The Last of Us would have killed me, so I am extra grateful for that remaster.

There are also so many games that I played on the PS3, which I would love to play again, the most important being BioShock. I love that franchise so much, and I have been waiting for the remaster for more than a year now. When it was finally announced, I was so relieved, and it’s also coming out in September, which is relatively soon. I can’t wait to get back into that world, and I’m so glad that I can experience it again on the PS4.

The remaster for Crash Bandicoot was also announced at E3 this year, and honestly, I didn’t know I wanted this until I played some of it in Uncharted 4. Now I am totally ready. This remaster is also getting less hate than usual, I assume because everyone loves Crash and that game is just iconic. No one would complain about being able to play that game again – just look at how happy everyone was about being able to play it in Uncharted.

The bottom line is, it’s your decision. If you don’t want the games, then you don’t have to buy it, but don’t hate on the developers for releasing the games. I personally love supporting developers, because it’s a way of showing them that you appreciate their product. So I am totally up for paying some cash to be able to experience a game again. And if you love the game enough to want to play it again, then you should be up for it too.

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